Invite Shelly to Speak at Your Next Gathering
Living in Joy is a project with several different areas of focus, sure to meet your needs or the needs of your group.
With the goal of igniting and inspiring joyful living, all participants receive yearlong access to the Power of Joy tools, and exclusive mastery benefits as they are relased throughout the year. In addition, you will be introduced to and have access to all of the weekly and monthly content the Living in Joy project offers in order to support your personal, unbreakable connection to joy, regardless of circumstance.
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Contact Our Owner, Shelly Belsito, RN, NE-BC
Invite Shelly Belsito to be a speaker, coach and support partner for embracing the fullness of life and Living in Joy!
Staff Meetings
Book Clubs
Study Groups
Personal, 1-1 Coaching
Submit your contact information to speak with Shelly about your specific needs.
Staff Meetings
Book Clubs
Study Groups
Personal, 1-1 Coaching
Submit your contact information to speak with Shelly about your specific needs.

Shelly Belsito, MBA, BSN, NE-BC, is a nursing and strategy leader at a major, level-1 trauma center in Tampa, Florida. In her current role, as well as in her former roles as chemo-therapy nurse, high-school math teacher, and at one time, manager of a sub-prime lending collection department, Shelly well understands how easy it is in the busy-ness of life to lose track of the rich, powerful connection to life that is best labeled, "Joy." Moreover, as a human being who has experienced the tragedy of loss (loved ones, friends, relationships, money, jobs & whole careers, and the list goes on...), Shelly can relate to the fact that, in order to fully experience joy, independent of any particular, current circumstance, a person sometimes needs reminders and additional support.
Stress and a lack of connection to joy are no longer feelings we can relegate to our offices and occupations, dreading Mondays and blaming our jobs. These states of being permeate our daily living in every arena. We are whole people, not as able to separate job from home as we once may have been. We're better connected than ever, and as a result, owe it to ourselves to develop the skills necessary to overcome pressures placed on us by our ever-present and entangled personal and professional lives.
Discovering and developing these skills began as a personal quest for Shelly. And as a gifted and enthusiastic speaker, she has now taken the material she has gathered over the last several years (even taking time away to regroup and recenter, employing this knowledge, herself), and presents it to various students, professionals and civic groups around the country.
Contact Shelly to see how she may help you and your team get in touch with and begin living in joy.
Stress and a lack of connection to joy are no longer feelings we can relegate to our offices and occupations, dreading Mondays and blaming our jobs. These states of being permeate our daily living in every arena. We are whole people, not as able to separate job from home as we once may have been. We're better connected than ever, and as a result, owe it to ourselves to develop the skills necessary to overcome pressures placed on us by our ever-present and entangled personal and professional lives.
Discovering and developing these skills began as a personal quest for Shelly. And as a gifted and enthusiastic speaker, she has now taken the material she has gathered over the last several years (even taking time away to regroup and recenter, employing this knowledge, herself), and presents it to various students, professionals and civic groups around the country.
Contact Shelly to see how she may help you and your team get in touch with and begin living in joy.